G. Pape

raccess4vbox3 - Configuration files

All configuration of raccess4vbox3 is done in the vbox spool directory of the corresponding user running the vbox3, normally this is /var/spool/vbox/<user>/.

To start configuring raccess4vbox3, change to that directory now:

  # cd /var/spool/vbox/<user>/

The configuration files
The raccess.conf configuration file
The raccess/*.conf configuration files

The configuration files

All configuration files of raccess4vbox3 follow the same syntax. They are devided into sections: a section starts with a name enclosed in [ and ] (e.g. [dtmf]); a sections ends on end of file or when another section starts.

Each section contains a variable number of lines with up to three tokens separated by whitespaces; tokens including whitespaces must be quoted.

Empty lines and lines starting with a ; (semicolon) are ignored.

The ./raccess.conf config file

The main configuration is done in the raccess.conf config file. This configuration file contains four sections: [tuning], [dtmf], [events] and [run]:

The [tuning] section

This section defines variables to adapt raccess4vbox3 to the local system environment. The following variables may be defined here, if not defined, the stated defaults are used:

variable description default
echo_path The path to the echo binary /bin/echo
say disable or enable speech systhesis on the fly (0=off, 1=on) 0
say_path The path to the text2speech program (if say is set)
say_flag Optional arguments to be passed to the text2speech program
say_maxfilenamelen The maximum file name length (wihtout extension) to be used for cached audio files 16

The [dtmf] section

This section defines global actions for specified touchtone sequences. These sequences and actions are available at any time during the call, unless they are overwritten by other modes, normally this section defines:
  8  "repeat"  {repeat}
  0  "skip"    {skip}
See DTMF actions for details on these entries.

The [events] section

During the call and processing DTMF input, events may occure. This section defines global actions for specified events. These actions will be performed on the corresponding events at any time during the call, unless they are overwritten by other modes. The following variables may be defined here:

variable audio-file description
error "error-msg" The audio-file "error-msg" will be played if an error occures.

See DTMF actions for details on audio-file.

The [run] section

This sections specifies the mode to be run, when a call is accepted. It contains only one line of the form:
  run  <mode>
where <mode> is the name of a raccess4vbox3 mode; for running an answering machine with remote access through touchtones, this is:
  run  answeringmachine

The ./raccess/*.conf config files

Files in the ./raccess/ subdirectory with the extension .conf are configuration files for different modes raccess4vbox3 can run. The name of the mode is the same as the filename of the config file without extension, e.g. the ./raccess/sysinfo.conf file defines the sysinfo mode.

These config files are similar to the ./raccess.conf config file. Each of these config files contain three sections: [dtmf], [events] and [run].

See the descriptions of the raccess.conf config file for the sections [dtmf] and [events]. Previously defined dtmfs and events can be overwritten; they are restored when the mode is finished.

The [run] section

This section defines what is done in this mode. It contains functions, one per line, that will be performed in order. The following functions are available:

function arguments description
record on | off enables or disables recording of the audiostream
do n n is an integer; repeat all following functions n times
play string string is a string; play the audio file(s) defined by string
wait n n is an integer; wait silently n seconds

This is an example for the sysinfo mode:

  record  off
  do      100
    play  "sysinfo-mode & ready & help"
    wait  10

DTMF actions

Config file entries that define DTMF actions always consist of three tokens: DTMF-sequence, audio-file and action.

If the correspnding DTMF-sequence is entered during the call, raccess4vbox3 plays the audio-file and then performs the action.


A DTMF-sequence is a token, starting with *, followed by a sequence of digits (0-9) and a trailing #. If the sequence only consists of one character, * and # may be omitted, e.g.: 3, *3#, *1964#.


An audio-file specifies a filename relative to the search path of vboxgetty (See the vbox3 documentation for details, normally this is /usr/share/isdn/vbox/ulaw/).

If audio-file starts with a &, the filename is treated as an absolute path name.

If audio-file starts with a |, the filename is treated as an absolute path name and must refer to a program. raccess4vbox3 starts this program and treats each line of the standard output of this program as an audio-file.

The audio-file token may contain the special character & not at the beginning. raccess4vbox3 then will split the token into parts, refering to audio-files and plays them in order. The skip action would skip the whole playback than, not only the current audio-file.


The action to be performed is actually a TCL-command. It must be placed inbetween { and }. The following commands are available:

action description
run <mode> enter the mode <mode>
raccess_quit leave the current mode
skip skip the playback of the current audio-file
repeat start again the playback of the current audio-file
hangup simply hangup and end the voice call
play <audio-file> play the audio-file <audio-file>

Gerrit Pape <pape@smarden.org>
$Id: configfiles.html,v 1.5 2002/04/17 08:14:22 pape Exp $