G. Pape


qconfirm-check-mid - checks headers of a mail message for known references


qconfirm-check-mid [-av] [ mid ... ]


Normally qconfirm-check-mid is run by qconfirm-check(1) before requesting a delivery confirmation for mail from an envelope sender mail address. If qconfirm-check-mid exits 0, qconfirm-check(1) doesn’t request a delivery confirmation from this sender.

qconfirm-check-mid assumes the environment variable SENDER to be set to the envelope sender mail address, and expects a mail message on standard input.

qconfirm-check-mid reads the headers of the message available on standard input, and checks for each ‘‘In-Reply-To’’ and ‘‘References’’ header if it contains a Message-ID that matches one of the space-separated mids in QCONFIRM_MID if set, or one of the mids given at the command line, and exits 0 if so.

A header is successfully matched against QCONFIRM_MID or mid if the header field contains the string ‘‘mid>’’, case distinctions are ignored. E.g., if qconfirm-check-mid is called

qconfirm-check-mid -a ’@smarden.org’

this ‘‘References’’ header is matched successfully:

References: <20030326042405.32385.qmail@smarden.org> <some@thing>


accept. After successfully matching a header of the message, add the envelope sender of this message to the list of known ids before exiting, so that qconfirm-check(1) automatically accepts further messages from this sender.
verbose. Print verbose messages to standard output.


qconfirm-check-mid reads its configuration from files in the subdirectory conf/ of the qconfirm directory (normally ‘‘~/.qconfirm/conf/’’). Only the first line of a configuration file is considered.
The configuration file QCONFIRM_MID is optional, and may contain a space-separated list of mids.


qconfirm-check-mid assumes the environment variable SENDER to be set to the envelope sender mail address. If $SENDER is not set, qconfirm-check-mid complains and exits 100.
The environment variable QCONFIRM_MID is optional, and may contain a space-separated list of mids. The environment variable overrides the configuration file QCONFIRM_MID.
The environment variable QCONFIRM_DIR overrides the default location of the user’s qconfirm directory (‘‘.qconfirm’’).

See Also

qconfirm(1), qconfirm-check(1), qconfirm-conf(1), qconfirm-inject(1), qconfirm-notice(1), qconfirm-accept(1), qconfirm-return(1), qconfirm-control(1) qconfirm-cdb-check(1), qconfirm-cdb-update(1),



Gerrit Pape <pape@smarden.org>

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